Is innovation part of your DNA? We support your Scrum or Sprint process with market research and tools to collect customer feedback almost in real-time during your design sprints or scrum process. First, we empathize with your target group by activating qualitative research. You continue your Sprint with define & ideation workshops. We validate your prototypes and deliver results in nearly real-time (mainly B2C).
The determination to continuously improve your Customer Experience
The type of research you need depends on your needs.
Drag to see the difference in faster research and more in-depth research.
Tactical research
Do you want to validate a new concept with a difficult target group (B2B, specific B2C segments)? We examine the clarity, the relevance and the uniqueness of your concept with a research design that is tailored to your business question.
We use this method in quantitative surveys as a clever and simple way to measure how consumers perceive the pricing of a new product and how you can influence uptake of your product by smartly using the insights about the psychological price points. Simple method, rich output: a price demand curve for your new product, ready to use in your business case.
Out-the-process market research
Do you need to create a business case with accurate estimates of future sales volumes of your innovative product concept? We can set up a quantitative research and develop a volume prediction model on the collected data. This research can be combined with a PSM or a conjoint method to explore all the dynamics between product features and price.
Conjoint analysis or trade-off analysis is used to optimize the product features or to create attractive packs or bundles. Conjoint analysis exists in many varieties: discrete choice modelling, adaptive conjoint, maximum difference scaling…. What all these techniques have in common is that the survey tasks are easy for respondents: they just need to choose a product like they would do in reality. The algorithms running behind the scene will reveal the key drivers of the consumer’s choice behavior. We support you in choosing the best conjoint technique for your business question and put all our expertise and skills in carefully creating the attributes and levels that shape your product or service.