Participating in research makes the world a little bit better, step by step. When we interview decision makers in a B2B context, one of the possible incentives we offer is a charity donation to a local organization. DataSynergy recently interviewed C-level functions of Belgian companies. In exchange for their precious time, we promised to donate an amount to a local charity. DataSynergy transferred 1250 Euro to Bednet, a non-profit organization which supports children who are deprived from school due to illness. Today, Bednet has even become more relevant because these children are even more at risk due to COVID-19. Bednet sets up the infrastructure and services that allow these children to attend classes from their home. In another quantitative research project, we donated 1500 Euro to Responsible Young Drivers. With the nightlife being very quiet these days, the organization prepares itself for the future, for example by investing in new types of alcohol tests that can be deployed in safe, covid-free circumstances. And we close the loop: the B2B decision makers who had been so kind to participate in our qualitative interview all received a thank-you letter of the CEO of the respective organizations.
Giving back to society